Dental Bridges

Replace a missing tooth with a dental bridge

Missing a Tooth? The Best Way To Fill the Gap Might Be a Dental Bridge

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, adults 20 to 64 years have an average of 25.5 remaining teeth. That may sound like a lot, but the truth is that adults should have 32 teeth (four of which are wisdom teeth). And though missing teeth in adults are common, leaving that gap…

Dental Bridge for the Front Teeth: Which Type is Right for You?

A dental bridge is a tried-and-true treatment for replacing consecutively missing teeth. This restoration is usually recommended for individuals missing up to three teeth in a row. At our Corpus Christi, TX, practice, our doctors offer several types of dental bridges. Here, our team will explore these in more detail, including dental bridges for front [...]

Dental Bridge Recovery and Aftercare

Traditional dental bridges consist of a false tooth with two crowns on either side. When placing the bridge, the teeth on either side of a tooth gap are prepped to accommodate the dental crowns. The crowns help support the false tooth. Visualizing the appliance in this way, you can probably see why it’s called a [...]

Is a Dental Bridge Right for You?

Whether caused by an injury, tooth decay, or other oral health issue, tooth loss can make it difficult to eat and smile with confidence. For those who suffer from tooth loss, dental bridges are an effective way to replace missing teeth and restore the smile. Drs. Charles A. Robertson and N. Perry Orchard determine which [...]