Sleep Apnea

How sleep apnea and bruxism are connected.

Sleep Apnea and Bruxism: Unraveling the Hidden Connection for a Better Night’s Sleep

Have you noticed that you’re always tired throughout the day or that you experience pain in or around your jaw? If so, factors such as sleep apnea and bruxism could be at play. These two conditions often go hand-in-hand, and seeking out effective treatment can significantly improve your quality of life. What is sleep apnea?…
Does a tongue tie interrelate to sleep apnea?

How Tongue Tie and Sleep Apnea are Interrelated: What You Need to Know

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that causes individuals to temporarily stop breathing and jolt awake suddenly during sleep. Upwards of 25 million U.S. adults experience some degree of sleep apnea. Many factors can contribute to sleep apnea, and tongue tie is one that you might not be familiar with. What is tongue tie? Tongue…
Don't live with obstructive sleep apnea

What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and What Are the Best Treatment Options?

Put an end to snoring and those sleepless nights. Most people have heard of sleep apnea, but many don’t quite know what it is, why it happens, and how to  treat it. Misconceptions about this condition point to it being a very obvious sleep disorder that causes you to stop breathing, but in reality, sleep…

The Effects of Snoring

If you have ever shared a bed or room with someone who snores, you know how hard it can make getting a good night's sleep. But what if you are the one snoring? You may be surprised to learn that snoring can make it difficult for you to get restful sleep, too, and may even [...]