Month: April 2022

Understand the cause of your tooth pain

Tooth Pain? A Guide to Understanding Why Your Teeth Hurt

Learning to Listen to What Your Toothache Is Telling You Toothaches are infamous for causing a lot of pain, sometimes keeping you awake at night or making it difficult to concentrate during the day. As unpleasant as this pain can be, it’s vital for us to experience — in many ways, pain keeps us healthy.…
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Benefits to a custom mouthguard

How a Custom Mouthguard Could Help TMJD, Bruxism, and Sleep Apnea

A custom mouthguard can help you in surprising ways. When you think of mouthguards, you likely picture the protective oral devices that are often worn to protect teeth and gums from injury during contact sports. There’s good reason for you to think of this type of mouthguard first—even if you don’t play a contact sport…
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