3 Ways Porcelain Crowns Can Transform Your Smile

Porcelain crowns give you a new smile

Benefits of Porcelain Crown Restorations

Dental crowns are a very popular restorative dentistry solution, second only to dental fillings in how frequently they’re used. They’re ideal for repairing extensive damage that something like a filling or veneer shell can’t adequately cover. Less commonly, crowns are also used strictly as cosmetic solutions to permanently cover a healthy, but unsightly, tooth.

Here are three examples of why The Tooth Doc loves porcelain crowns and why you will too. 

1. They can be sculpted and colored to blend in seamlessly with surrounding teeth.

Porcelain is a material that’s inherently suitable for both restorative and cosmetic dentistry applications. It’s made from a special form of ceramic which combines longevity with aesthetic appeal. Because the material is virtually imperceptible to the eye, it’s an excellent option for use on front teeth.

The material is easily colored, shaped, and polished to mimic natural tooth enamel to an extremely lifelike level. The technology behind designing and milling porcelain crowns allows lab technicians to create customized crowns that blend in seamlessly with surrounding teeth or accompanying restorations.

Although porcelain-fused-to-metal or PFM crowns are still available, the majority of modern porcelain crowns are made of porcelain only, which prevents the dreaded grey band effect common in PFM restorations.

We recommend getting a professional teeth whitening session done before placing a crown, if your teeth aren’t currently at your ideal brightness. Porcelain isn’t affected by whitening products, so a pre-whitening session ensures your crown won’t be too dark.

2. They can save vulnerable teeth from extraction and stop the progression of tooth decay. 

A combination of root canal therapy and a porcelain crown is one of the most effective ways to save a painful, decayed tooth from extraction and prevent decay from advancing further on the affected or neighboring teeth.

A root canal is an endodontic procedure that permanently relieves pain from abscesses or infections by removing the inflamed dentin and pulp layers from inside the tooth. Contrary to stubborn myths, root canals aren’t painful; rather, they put an end to pain when a tooth is beyond simple decay removal. Best of all, the majority of root canals can be done easily by your dentist in the comfort of their office, with only rare cases requiring a specialist endodontist.

When a root canal is complete, the hollow spaces in the roots and crown of the tooth are filled with a biocompatible material, but this alone doesn’t give the tooth enough strength. Your dentist will use a porcelain crown to protect the tooth and give it stability. This will also stop decay from progressing between teeth.

Although porcelain is impervious to tooth decay, remember that decay can still happen in the thin band where the crown meets the natural tooth within the gum pocket. Always floss and brush around a crowned tooth just as thoroughly as a natural one. 

3. They allow you to regain full use of your teeth again, which is beneficial for the body and mind.

Living with painful, damaged teeth can negatively impact many areas of your life because your oral health is deeply connected to your physical and mental well-being. Regaining pain-free oral function by resolving tooth decay, gum disease, or dental fractures and repairing the damage with a porcelain crown can revive your lifestyle and happiness. 

You’ll be able to eat without pain, which encourages you to consume a wider variety of foods. You won’t be limited to soft foods or have to avoid certain types of food out of fear of pain. Instead, you can experiment with new recipes or cuisine and participate in social culinary experiences. Many people naturally see an improvement in their health because easier, more thorough chewing means more nutrient absorption. 

A boost to mental health is another benefit you’ll experience. Chronic tooth pain or embarrassment from living with visibly damaged or broken teeth can lead to a depressed, withdrawn mood. When these problems are finally fixed, you’ll feel freer, happier, and excited about caring for your smile.

Find out if porcelain crowns are the right choice for your smile.

Porcelain crowns are just one of many ways The Tooth Doc team can help you recover from decay, gum disease, dental injuries, and many other oral health problems. Remember that tooth pain is a sure sign of trouble, so don’t wait until your next regular check-up if something seems to be wrong. If you’re experiencing a toothache, no matter how infrequent or mild, or you can feel obvious damage to a tooth, contact our Omaha, NE office to schedule an appointment right away.